aftercare guide

1. leave the bandage or first piece of second skin on for 3-4 hours after your appointment

2. remove the bandage or second skin (this is easiest in the shower) and wash the tattoo with unscented, antibacterial soap

3. pat (do not rub!) the tattoo dry with a paper towel, making sure to soak up all of the moisture.

4. apply the provided piece of second skin onto the now clean & dry tattoo. This can be left on for 2-3 days and you can shower while it's on!

5. after a couple days remove the second-skin & wash with unscented bacterial soap 2 times daily until the tattoo scabs over

6. once the tattoo has scabbed over apply lotion 3 times daily or whenever the tattoo is itchy

7. after a few months I'd so appreciate if you would email me a healed photo of your tattoo!